Dinasoar poop floats upstream via.....train? wtf???

emailed recieved last week

Yo Josh,

I had about a 1 1/2 hour at a local point and the board is insane. It was glassy, about 2-3' faces. The board paddles like butter and freaking FLIES. Can't really describe it. It's actually pretty easy to turn and control as long as my foot is on the tail, no problem at all in that department. Turn, pick a line and go really really fast... I can't wait to get it in some good surf. Any bit of steep face and the board really started to shine. Great first session. Seriously, this board will make Summer in my area a whole lot better.

Thanks again for showing me around and the ride to the station yesterday. I raided a cardboard recycling dumpster up the street from the station and wrapped the board in cardboard, and the fins in part of a suitcase that was in there. It worked great and not a scratch on the board from the two train rides although the layover in LA from 11pm-7:30am fucking sucked. Give me a ring next time you're up here so you can give it a try. Hope you like the pics. I've gotten a ton of compliments and "what is that?" comments from people about the board. Even got the grand tour of the baggage claim area at Union Station in LA last night. Kept hearing Amtrak baggage staff saying "huge surfboard" on the walkie talkies.

take care,